Index of Case Study Archive

Embedding research in Neurology at Oxford Radcliffe

Project Description
Recruitment into clinical trials and studies can be notoriously difficult. The reasons for this are complex but revolve around two main issues. There is the obvious step of engaging patients and members of the public, but then there is the more challenging task of encouraging our healthcare teams to be passionate about research.

With our healthcare system already stretched, getting individuals and teams informed and excited about involvement in the research process can be a challenge. The Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) piloted a study in the neurology department at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford to investigate the best mechanisms for encouraging commitment to and enthusiasm for running research studies.

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  • PD Register Patient Consent Form

    Form created to capture information on patients / carers wishing to participate in the local research register, to be contacted about future studies.

  • Project Brief

    Project Brief produced in early 2012 to define the scope, objective, deliverables and success measures of the project.

  • Collection of Parkinsons Disease Posters

    Presented here are five posted, produced using various images to use to promote Parkinson’s Disease Research in the Neurology Department at John Radcliffe Hospital.

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Working with multidisciplinary teams
Working with multidisciplinary teams

    Kingsley Recruitment Tool

    Project Description
    A primary role of The Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network is to support the recruitment of participants to research studies into these disease areas in the NHS. Even with DeNDRoN support, many studies face difficulties with recruitment especially to the more complex clinical trials. In response to this, south west DeNDRoN created and piloted a tool with the aim of assisting clinical studies officers and research nurses in recruiting to studies. The tool has been extremely well received amongst colleagues both within DeNDRoN and in other research networks and shows potential in helping to meet recruitment targets, act as an induction tool for new team members, and provide evidence of the recruitment activity provided by the research networks.
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    • Recruitment Tool

      Simple effective tool developed by Kingsley Powell, South West DeNDRoN to assist clinical studies officers and research nurses in recruiting to studies. Enhanced check-list format, which prompts teams to use all techniques and helps understand challenges to delivery.

    • Confidence Survey

      To test the effectiveness of the recruitment tool, CSO staff have been surveyed at intervals to understand team’s confidence in utilising the tool and new recruitment techniques, here are the impressive results.

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    Using the Recruitment Tool
    Using the Recruitment Tool

      New Model for Working Leaner across the LRN

      Project Description
      For the past six years, the Network has been funded by the NIHR through the core  budget and additional funding provided via the partner Comprehensive Local Research Networks (CLRNs): Greater Manchester, Cumbria and Lancashire and Cheshire and Merseyside. There has been no significant increase in funding over this time and thus no significant increases in staff. Due to the geographical size of the Network and number of sites and studies involved, the Network needs to ensure that all ways of working are as efficient as possible to also ensure that the demands of the portfolio are met, with all studies delivered to time and to target.
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      • Clinic Reporting Template

        Limited time and resources can be off-set with good planning. This download provides the standard clinic form pre and post project. It demonstrates how additional information began to be captured and used to check on recruitment and inform future planning and staff deployment.

      • Salford Analysis

        Recording the effects of change are essential, how else will you know if you have been successful? Clinics held in Salford were some of those which were the subject of a change in recruitment process. This document provides a simple analysis of the before and after effects on recruitment.

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      Working with local staff
      Working with local staff

        Recruitment in General Practice: Neurodegenerative Diseases Research

        Project Description
        Working across the broader healthcare community can be fraught with difficulties because of the changing nature of the NHS and the number of stakeholders involved in decision making processes. The same is true for the clinical research networks as each is charged with recruiting patients into certain trials or from certain locations. Collaboration is key to enabling the research process and this project involved close collaboration between the Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) and the Primary Care Research Network (PCRN); the clinical research network tasked with raising awareness and supporting recruitment from general practice.
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        • GP Letter Templates Intro to Research

          This document provides four letter templates produced to send to GPs taking a variety of approached to introduce working in partnership to promote research to patients.

        • Research Information Sheet for Practices

          This research information sheet was specifically drafted for General Practice. This real example was used to share information on a study in Parkinson’s disease.

        • GP Surgery Analysis

          This table was used to manage contact with surgeries, this document details how the table was used, and how a short list was created using:

        Raising awareness and supporting recruitment
        Raising awareness and supporting recruitment

          Scoping and Agreeing a System to Integrate Research

          Project Description
          Clinical research is gaining momentum across the NHS and many more Trusts are now joining the charge to increase the amount of research conducted to generate better treatment options.

          The reason for trusts wanting to get involved in research are five fold: it is high on the Government agenda, there is new leverage in the Health and Social Care Act, the NHS constitution, the NHS Operating Framework and the Mandate all now requiring the NHS to support research. As well as that, a recent Government MORI poll showed that seventy two per cent of people surveyed across the UK would want to be offered the chance to take part in a clinical trial if they had a health condition that was affecting their daily life.

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          • Board Presentation

            Successful NHS programmes operate from board to ward, you have to gain support and buy-in at all levels. This presentation was produced to be delivered to the Trust Board, seeking Director level support for furthering the integration of research into care pathways.

          • Research Trust Board Paper

            All NHS Trust boards will have a standard format for board papers. This paper was presented to the Trust Board to talk to the idea of the organisation being fully research minded in its delivery of care (paper was supported and approved for implementation).

          • Communications Strategy

            Here we have a high-level communications strategy to steer how the project would be implemented and communicated to staff and other stakeholders. You could add to this with Stakeholder Analysis and using the NHS Institute Communications Matrix.

          • INTERACT Pre-implementation survey

            How do you know if your project has been successful? Successful implementation doesn’t mean success, this only comes if the project delivered the right outcome e.g. more patients into studies. Here we have staff survey and results, conducted prior to conducting the project to enable measurement of success – awareness and involvement in research pre and post.

          • Project Implementation Document

            In PRINCE2 terms a Project Initiation Document (PID) bundles together all the info you gathered during the start-up phase of a project i.e. plan, business case etc. We don’t always follow these prescribed systems in the NHS and this PID used by the project for research integration is a simplified but useful version.

          • Research Awareness

            Working document to detail levels of research awareness, used to inform implementation of research minded culture.

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          Play Play

            Influencing Parkinson’s Disease Patient Groups

            Project Description
            Charities and patient groups across the UK play vital roles in supporting and informing those affected by a given disease or condition. Parkinson’s UK is one such organisation actively working to find a cure for Parkinson’s and helping improve life for everyone affected by it. With an active system of local support groups across the Thames Valley region, the Dementias and Neurodegenerative Research Network (DeNDRoN) recognised the opportunity to create strong working relationships with Parkinson’s UK.
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              Collaboration with Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) for MSNAP

              Project Description
              ‘We want more people into clinical trials; more people getting that chance to get the very latest drugs. Our ambition is this: at least 10 per cent of people with dementia should be able to take part in clinical trials – up around ten times from today’. This statement, from the ‘Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia: Delivering major improvements in dementia care and research by 2015’ has given the work of the Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) a significant boost. In order to ensure that this research message was implemented in a very tangible way, the organisation worked with the Royal College of Psychiatrists to obtain two new standards in the Memory Services National Accreditation Programme.
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              • DeNDRoN Submission for MSNAP Standards Consultation

                Policies and changes in the NHS are agreed and implemented after consultation. It is important to contribute and promote research at every opportunity. This document is the consultation response submitted by DeNDRoN – making the case for change.

              • MSNAP 3rd Edition Standards

                This comprehensive document provides details the standards that specialist memory services have to meet to become accredited by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This 3rd edition includes includes a requirement to promote research and register patients interest.

              • MSNAP Guidance for meeting research standards

                Having a policy is great, however policies have to be implemented, and understood. This guidance has been produced by DeNDRoN to support memory services to meet the new research standards – providing practical support for delivery.

              • DeNDRoN slides for MSNAP conference

                Supporting implementation and gaining the buy-in from those responsible for implementation is key to success. These slides were used at the MSNAP annual conference in 2012, sharing information on the new research standard.

              • MSNAP National Report 2011-12
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                Patients using the web to register for research

                Project Description
                Searching for information online can be fraught with difficulties thanks to the enormous number of websites offering advice and information. One of the main problems is being able to differentiate among the various sites and to find trustworthy sources. The Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) in north east England launched a project to explore the sources of information currently available to people interested in becoming involved in research. Armed with this knowledge, they designed and built a new site in collaboration with their patient and public involvement (PPI) group who gave invaluable input on the content, the style and the user friendliness of the site.
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                • Website Briefing

                  Not everyone will have the opportunity to create a new website from scratch, but most will be able to have dedicated sections in existing sites, so having a brief and clear plan is still important. This document was produced by North East DeNDRoN to outline the purpose of the new website, and to provide an overview for the design and development company.

                • Website concepts

                  Even if you are only able to have dedicated pages in existing sites, you could explore design opportunities. This concepts document provided by Blumilk – the main new feature of this site being to allow patients to register for research.

                • Website Structure Drawing

                  Plan your pages! Simple overview structure from Blumilk, useful starting point for any web development work.

                • North East DeNDRoN website

                  Straightforward overview of the website, page by page presentation.

                • Patient List Protocol for Website Enquiries v2

                  It’s important to have planned what you will do with enquiries or queries resulting from you web presence be that on websites or social media. This protocol was written to manage how the Local Research Network manages website patient applications.

                • Patient List Information Sheet

                  Simple leaflet used to promote patient self-registration via the newly designed website.

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                  Improving Web-based Information on Research

                  Project Description
                  We are constantly being bombarded by information about our health and our lifestyles and more and more people are now turning to the internet as a tool for self-diagnosing. However, with so many online resources available it is often difficult to navigate a way through the multitude of sites to find information that is both accurate and consistent.  The Dementia and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research Network (DeNDRoN) launched a project to investigate where patients or carers for people with dementias or other neurodegenerative diseases turn to for help.
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                  • Website Project Brief

                    Project briefs are essential, however they become vital when the project is being delivered by a team. The brief ensures that everyone working on the project has a clear and shared vision for delivery. This project brief was used to detail DeNDRoNs work on the website patient information project.

                  • Website Project communications plan and approach
                  • Analysis of patient facing websites

                    This spreadsheet holds the results of the web search, and the analysis undertaken to identify what research information was already hosted. This template and example could be applied to any disease area, and is a function that could be done annually.

                  • Draft research content for Ourhealth

                    If asking companies and organisations to publish content to promote research you should make it as simple as possible for them to help. Offering to collaborate on content development, or providing content can help deliver. DeNDRoN worked with Ourhealth to generate contact for the South West.

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                  Increasing Information on the Web
                  Increasing Information on the Web