This section is for healthcare professionals.
Here at Join Dementia Research, our goal is to make it possible for everyone who wants to be involved in dementia research to get a chance to do so. As a service that recruits participants and matches them with ongoing trials and studies, we rely heavily on healthcare professionals to get involved.
We want to make it as easy as possible for you to highlight research as an option and encourage your patients, their carers and family members to take part. By raising awareness amongst patients, staff in your team or other partners, you can draw attention to the dementia research that is taking place both locally and across the country.
As well as enhancing understanding of the different types of dementia, ongoing research aims to improve diagnosis, treatment and identify the best possible care. Every day, Join Dementia Research works to find new opportunities for anyone over 18 – whether they have a diagnosis or not – to play their part in beating dementia.
We have put together these pages for you to learn more about how you can embed Join Dementia Research into your way of working. We recommend that you start by watching this video, which tells you more about us, and follow on by reading the sections below for case studies and helpful tips.
What you can do:
1. Motivate staff
Help Join Dementia Research to be implemented into NHS care pathways, by helping spread the word in your Trust or GP practice. This could be simply arranging a section in your staff newsletter to highlight the service, or we can provide someone to come and give a talk to your team. Get in touch with us to find out more.
Examples of how others have motivated staff
2. Engage patients
Talk to patients about the opportunity to take part in research, and direct them to Join Dementia Research. People have a range of motivations for being involved, including:
- the opportunity to access new treatments
- helping future generations
- the chance to ‘fight back’ against their disease
- increased social inclusion, and feeling part of something valuable
Examples of how others have engaged patients
3. Work with partners
Raising awareness about dementia research can be done via groups you collaborate with on other issues, whether these are health or non-health organisations. By using your networks to highlight the opportunities available to take part in dementia research, we have a greater chance of reaching people who might want to be involved.
Examples of how others have worked with partners
4. Use free materials
We have a range of free materials like posters and leaflets that you can download from our materials page or visit
Registration statistics
October 2022 Volunteer Registration Statistics September 1, 2022
June 2022 Volunteer Registration Statistics June 6, 2022
January 2022 Volunteer Registration Statistics February 11, 2022
July 2021 Volunteer Registration Statistics August 19, 2021
June 2021 Volunteer Registration Statistics July 4, 2021
May 2021 Volunteer Registration Statistics June 15, 2021